Thursday, March 15, 2018

Cole's story about Rex

                                                                      Sally and Rex

Rex is a big red long dinosaur. Sally is someone he wants to learn how to get along with. Sally is known for her very sweet and loving personality. Rex is a grumpy dino and wants to learn to be more like Sally.
    One day Rex decided to visit Sally at her beautiful green farm. When he got there, he went to the  bright red door. Rex thought that door was way to small for him to go in. So he thought..  I am just going to go home……  but right about then Sally comes out of the door.  “Rex! What are you doing here, said Sally in her sweet calm voice”.  Rex answered nervously “ I came to see if you could help me learn how to be sweet and kind like you. I am a grumpy dinosaur.”   “Ohhhh Rex” said Sally.  “ I would love to help you learn kindness.”   Sally grabbed Rex by his stubbly little arm and let him into her great big yellow barn.    “ First you must help someone. I want you to go to town and see if you can find someone that needs help.”       So Rex did.  He saw Baby Jane needed help to cross the water. So..  Rex but her on his back and walked her across. Rex ran back to Sally!  “What do I need to do next to be kind!?”  Rex said with excitement.   “Next I want you to find someone you can share something with.” Sally said in her kindest voice.  So Rex knew exactly what he wanted to share with someone.   His most favorite toy of all time. His stuffed baby cat.   He pulled it from his pocket and handed it to Sally and said. "Would you like to play with my cat?"    " Ohhhh  Rex!…..   I think that you already know how to be kind and sweet."
Cole with help from mom.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lukes story about baby Evie


 One fine spring morning baby Evie was crying loud.  Evie woke her mother with her loud cries. Mom was surprised when she saw her Baby Evie. Evie was covered in pink spots! Mom screamed for Dad, “Come here quickly!” She said.  Dad gasped when he saw baby Evie. “Call the Dr.! “ He shouted in a worried voice. Mom quickly got her and Evie ready and rushed to the car.  They rushed into the Dr. as soon as they parked. The Dr. was surprised to see her pink spots.  He handed them medicine and said “Take this twice a day for a week and come back to see me. Tell her no scratching her pink spots!”
   One week later……   Mom took Evie back to see the Dr.  The Dr. said “Did the medicine work?” Mom said with relief, yes! Her pink spots are almost gone. The just vanished! Mom was excited that the pink dots were almost gone. By the next morning everyone was happy to see Baby Evie was completely healthy with no pink spots left.  

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Rylie's persuasive essay

Are you selfish? Probably, but of course you wont admit that. Humans can be very very selfish. A recent report claims that a teenager takes 20 selfies every day. The word selfie has become so used that it was the word of the year 2013. “Selfie” is defined as a self-portrait, usually taken and shared with many via social media. Let’s talk about how to be selfless in this “selfie” world.   
Do you know what selfless means? A selfless person is more worried that someone else is happy than themselves. Mark Ch. 12 says “Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God first and are neighbors second.” If you focus on others, you will find peace and happiness in life.
Now that you know what selfless means, you need to learn to do it! It all starts within your thoughts. If you are thinking selfless thoughts, you are more likely to have selfless actions. Some of these actions could include give credit to others, avoid trying to impress others, and pray for humility. Instead of trying to impress others share an uplifting scriptures. When counting your blessings express thanks to God and others in your life. Being selfless will make you happier. “The only way to free ourselves from the prison of selfishness is to pour out our lives in love and service.” (–Obert C. Tanner)

Preparing this has helped me realize ways I could be more selfless in this selfie world. I hope it has given you a desire to be more selfless. Philippians 2:3: do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself.