Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Everly explaining photo


There is a sun setting reflecting on the river. There is an old brown palace with a field in front of it. There is a lot of green grass. There are a few trees. There is a sparkly blue river running in front of the castle. There is a grey cloudy sky  

Monday, April 27, 2020

Luke's poem

Luke's poem about this picture
There was a boy.
He wanted a dog.
He sat everyday
Thinking about a dog.
If he had a dog,
He would be happy.

Coles poem

Cole had to write a poem about this picture.
Cole's poem :
I like to play Nintendo switch
I like to play lego
And I like to play my tablet.
I want to do all of these things on a hill with a sunset. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Getting Max by Luke

Getting Max

   On a warm summer August day mom said that we are going in the car for a surprise. Me, Luke and my two siblings. Rylie and Cole ran to the car right away.   
            We pulled into an unfamiliar neighborhood. Cole asked, “ Are we going to someone’s house?” “ You will see when you get there,” mom said in a suspicious voice.  Then we pulled into a drive way. Mom said, “ Hop out everyone! Don’t ring the doorbell their baby might be sleeping.”  Cole insisted again, “ what are we doing?”  Right then, someone opened the door.  She said, “ hurry in, he likes to run off.”   That made me curious, what would run off?   
   Suddenly a puffy brown ball came running to us.   I couldn’t believe how cute he was. A cute little puppy.  After that we heard mom talking to the lady, “ what kind of dog food does he eat?” What?  Why is mom asking that?  Are we taking this dog home?    “Mom”, I asked?  “Is he going to be ours?”   “Well..  do you want to take him home?”, Mom asked.   “Yes! What is his name?!”    “Let’s call him max”, I said.   Finally mom picked up Max and we took him home. 
    Now we have a cute puppy at home, that I love with all my heart. I can’t believe he is all mine.   


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Cole retells story The miller by James Baldwin

There was a miller that was happy.  He made everyone else happy too. One day a king wanted to be happy like the Miller. The king visited the Miller and asked him How are you so happy?  The miller said, “I earn my own bread, I love my wife, my children my friends and they love me. I own not a penny to any man. Why should I not be happy?”     The king envied the Miller and realized he couldn’t have that same happiness living in his kingdom. The kind went home sad. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Cole remembers of story

                       The good rain.   Cole telling what he remembers of the story.

   There was no rain for many weeks. A boy ran through the dead grass, farmers wifes garden was dying and there was no milk because the cows couldn’t drink enough water.  When the boy went to the pool there was no water for him to swim in. The farmers market didn’t have very much food because there was no water for the crops.  They waited for a long time for rain. They prayed that it would rain.  
    The clouds rolled in. The boy danced in the rain.   The crops began to grow again. The cow started to produce milk again. The markers had more than enough fruits and vegetables. The boy was able to go swimming again. There were many wonderful things everyone could do and have because of the rain. Their prayers were answered.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Family Solar System - by Rylie

Family Solar System

Mom, like a sun, is caring and loving. Dad, like a star shines his light towards me and shows me the way. I am being taught to be obedient like a planet. Everly like an astroid not big enough and not obedient enough to stay into orbit. They boys like a moon like a moon not as big as a planet and still has craters in them. Max like a dwarf planter to small and different to be a human. Our family is like a solar system!